Extract from the judicial criminal law:
Juvenile defendant released from pre-trial detention in exchange for lenient measures pursuant to § 173 (5) Z 4 StPO (accusation: robbery)
Preliminary proceedings due to §§ 206 (1), 207 (1), 207a (1) Z 1 StGB*; § 201 (1) StGB discontinued (accusation: (serious) sexual abuse of minors; pictorial sexual child abuse material and pictorial sexual depictions of minors; rape)
Preliminary proceedings due to §§ 89 1st case, 125, 146, 302 (1) StGB discontinued (accusation: endangering physical safety, damage to property, fraud, abuse of authority)
Preliminary proceedings due to § 15, 201 StGB discontinued (accusation: attempted rape)
Preliminary proceedings due to § 107b StGB discontinued (accusation: continued use of violence)
Acquittal of § 83 (2) StGB (accusation: assault)
Preliminary proceedings due to § 205 StGB discontinued (allegation: sexual abuse of a defenceless or mentally impaired person)
Preliminary proceedings due to § 223 StGB discontinued (charge: forgery of documents)
Preliminary proceedings due to §§ 146, 147 (2), 159 StGB discontinued (allegation: serious fraud, grossly negligent impairment of creditor interests)
Preliminary proceedings due to § 120 (1) StGB discontinued (charge: misuse of sound recording or eavesdropping devices)
Extract from administrative criminal law/administrative law:
June 2024: Administrative Court overturns decision of the Provincial Administrative Court of Lower Austria, Ra 2024/02/0108-8 (topic: submission of submissions to authorities by email and restrictions)
February 2024: Data protection authority finds violation of the right to information (topic: incomplete information according to Art 15 GDPR)
February 2023: Administrative criminal proceedings for violation of § 10 para. 1 no. 10 in conjunction with § 8 para. 4 Lower Austrian Dog Keeping Act discontinued (accusation: keeping dogs with increased risk potential and conspicuous dogs in public places in the local area always muzzled and on a leash)
September 2022: Data protection authority finds violation of the right to confidentiality (issue: publication of personal data on social media)
August 2022: Data protection authority finds violation of the right to information (topic: incomplete information pursuant to Art 15 GDPR)
June 2022: Data protection authority finds violation of the right to confidentiality (topic: unlawful processing of personal data)